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Diagnostic Test Strips - Combi Screen

SKU: AV9617

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Diagnostic Test Strips - CombiScreen 3 (x 100)
SKU: AV0665

Out of stock

Diagnostic Test Strips - CombiScreen 7SYS Plus (x 150)
SKU: AV0669
Diagnostic Test Strips - CombiScreen 10SL (x 50)
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Diagnostic Test Strips - CombiScreen 10SL (x 100)
SKU: AV0673
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Quick Overview

CombiScreen GP - tests urine for: Glucose, Protein

CombiScreen 3 - tests urine for: Glucose, pH, Protein

CombiScreen 7SYS Plus - tests urine for: Blood, Glucose, Ketones, Leucocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein (with Ascorbic Acid protection - see below)

CombiScreen 10SL - tests urine for: Bilirubin, Blood, Glucose, Ketones, Leucocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein, Specific Gravity, Urobilinogen

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Diagnostic Test Strips - Combi Screen

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Diagnostic - CombiScreen Test Strips - 5 types

Excellent ascorbic acid protection for glucose and blood Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is ingested through foods, dietary supplements and as a preservative. Excess ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine and observed in a high proportion of the population. However, ascorbic acid inhibits the blood and glucose test pad reaction, which may cause false-negative results in the presence of hematuria or glucosuria and in consequence delay of necessary diagnostic or therapeutic measures. Therefore, the CombiScreen® PLUS urine test strips are equipped with an active protection of the glucose and blood test pad, which largely eliminates the interference with ascorbic acid. The classic CombiScreen® urine test strips do not include an ascorbic acid protection. However, a test pad indicates the level of ascorbic acid in the urine to provide a hint of possible interferences.

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